EP.9 Guest: Poppy Ajudha
Poppy Ajudha Drop:
7/12(水)25時放送!Interfm89.7Mhz「Trendy Pickups by RISA & RORO」 エピソード9では「Hiphop/Mellow Trendy Songs」をご紹介!そして、今回も豪華二組のゲストが登場! Blue Note Tokyoにて来日公演を行った新星UKアーティストたち2組のインタビューをお送りまします! サウス・ロンドン出身のRNB、Jazz、Popsを融合し、情熱的メッセージを届ける新星シンガーソングライター「Poppy Ajudha」
次に、ノース・ロンドン出身のグラミー受賞新星プロデューサー/ビートメイカーユニット「Blue Lab Beats」のお二人、NK-OKことナマリ・クワテン(父親はD・インフルエンスのクワメ・クワテン)と、キーボードやギターなど5つの楽器を奏でるマルチ奏者のMr DMことデヴィッド・ムラクポルのインタビューをお届けします!ジャジーでメローなサウンドにヘビーなビートが特徴的でJazz ,RnB ,Afro beatsなどさまざまなジャンルを融合しています!
In Episode 9, we have an exciting lineup featuring "Hiphop/Mellow Trendy Songs", Along with two amazing guests joining us on the show. We'll be bringing you interviews with two rising UK artists who recently performed at Blue Note Tokyo! First up is the talented singer-songwriter from South London, Poppy Ajudha. She blends R&B, Jazz, and Pop, delivering passionate messages through her music. Next, we have the Grammy-winning emerging producer/beat-making duo from North London, Blue Lab Beats. On Poppy's first visit to Japan, We interviewed her backstage prior to her performance at Blue Note Tokyo. She talked about her start, her thoughts on speaking out in the music industry, how she felt when she was selected as Barack Obama's favorite artist 2019, and more! This is going to be an exciting show, so be sure to tune in this week to Trendy Pickups by Risa & Roro on Interfm89.7 MHz.
7/12(水)深夜25 ~ TRENDY PICKUPS BY RISA & RORO DJs: Risa Kumon、RORO ▼Twitter: @TrendyPickups ハッシュタグ: #TrendyPickups#TP897 番組をradikoで聴く▼ https://radiko.jp/share/?t=2023071225... #TrendyPickups#PoppyAjudha#r2radio#Bluenotetokyo#interfm897