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Trendy Pickups(By Risa & Roro) - CJ
Roro (Left) & CJ (Right) after their interview for Trendy Pickups by Risa & Roro broadcasting on InterFM89.7MHz

毎月第2水曜日25時~26時に放送している、バイリンガルの国際音楽番組! バイリンガル・シンガーソングライターのRisa Kumonと米国HIPHOPアーティスト・プロデューサーのROROが主宰する国際音楽レーベル“R2...

Trendy Pickups (By Risa & Roro) - Jay'ed
Trendy Pickups by Risa & Roro with special guest, Japanese - Samoan Artist, Jay'ed on InterFM 89.7MHz

Trendy Pickups (By Risa & Roro) - Nao Yoshioka
Nao Yoshioka on Trendy Pickups by Risa & Roro on InterFM89.7 MHz.

Trendy Pickups (By Risa & Roro) - Cautious Clay
Cautious Clay on Trendy Pickups by Risa & Roro airing on InterFm 89.7Mhz in Tokyo, Japan.

Trendy Pickups (By Risa & Roro) - Masa Kohama
Grammy winning Guitarist, Masa Kohama on Trendy Pickups by Risa & Roro airing on Interfm 89.7Mhz in Tokyo, Japan

Terumasa Hino on Trendy Pickups (By Risa & Roro)
Terumasa Hino will be on R2 Radio Network's show, Trendy Pickups by Risa & Roro. Filmed at Ginza Mitsukoshi in Tokyo for his art Exhibition.

UA on Trendy Pickups (By Risa & Roro)
Japanese singer & Songwriter, UA will be on R2 Radio network's show, Trendy Pickups by Risa & Roro airing on Interfm89.7mhz in Tokyo, Japan.

Trendy Pickups (By Risa & Roro) - Terrace Martin
Terrace Martin on R2 Radio network's show, Trendy Pickup by Risa & Roro. Airing in Tokyo, Jpn on InterFm89.7MHZ or Nationwide via Radiko app

Trendy Pickups (By Risa & Roro) -DVSN
Trendy Pickups R&B Special with Special Guest: DVSN (OVO Sound R&B Unit) エピソード10では、R&B特集!選曲もゲストも今が旬なR&BをPicksしていきます! RISA KUMON...
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