R2 RADIO ON YAHOO NEWS & MORE R2 Radio がYahooニュース、ANAP、ライブドア、DotAsahiに掲載されました😀🎶🎶✨✨来月の放送もお楽しみに!!Check out R2 RADIO JAPAN’s article in Yahoo news, Anap, livedoor, Dot Asahi and more! Also, Stay tuned for a brand new episode coming this month! IMG_5453IMG_5451IMG_5446IMG_5365
R2 Radio がYahooニュース、ANAP、ライブドア、DotAsahiに掲載されました😀🎶🎶✨✨来月の放送もお楽しみに!!Check out R2 RADIO JAPAN’s article in Yahoo news, Anap, livedoor, Dot Asahi and more! Also, Stay tuned for a brand new episode coming this month! IMG_5453IMG_5451IMG_5446IMG_5365