R2Radio フラッシュパックエピソード: dj honda ]今月のエピソードは日本が誇るdj hondaのインタビューとオールドスクールヒップホップMIXをお届けします! ※番組詳細は公式HP: R2Radiojp.comでチェックできます! ※視聴方法:PharcydeTV公式サイトwww.pharcydetv.comのホームに表示されているON AIR画面よりストリーミング放送を視聴できます!This month on @R2RADIO we’ll be showing a flashback interview we did with Japanese Dj and Producer, dj honda. We got a chance to sit down with dj honda a couple years ago to catch up, Talk about his projects along with getting a great old school Hip-Hop mix! This interview only aired on the airwaves in Japan but for the first time we’re releasing it for the world to hear. Be sure to tune in and check it out on the Pharcyde tv network.
Japan: Aug. 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd (Fri) 12:00 (JST)
USA: Aug. 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd (Thur) 20:00 (PDT)~
Broadcasting source: pharcydetv.com