[R2 RADIO Ep.10 Corinne Bailey Rae]
”Put your records on”や”Like a star”制作時のストーリーやアーティストキャリアについて、そしてスティービー・ワンダーやプリンス、ハービーハンコックと共演した時のお話など盛り沢山!是非お楽しみに!放送日程は文末からチェック↓
This week on R2 RADIO we have grammy award winning singer-songwriter Corinne Bailey Rae on the show! She an amazing and one of a kind singer who has worked with Stevie wonder, Herbie Hancock, Prince and even sung at the White House for Paul McCartney’s gershwin prize ceremony. While she was on tour in Japan, We got a chance to sit down with her and have a great discussion about many things! This was a fun interview from start to finish so be sure to tune in this week on the pharcyde tv network! Air time info below.
Japan: July. 12th, 19th, 26th (Fri)12:00(JST)
USA: July. 11th, 18th, 25th (Thur) 8:00pm (PDT)~ Broadcasting source:(@PharcydeTV)
http://pharcydetv.com/ or download “The
Pharcyde official App” and watch it on your phones.
(Android & IOS)