[R2 Radio Ep.7 Guest: Eric benet @Blue Note Tokyo]
今年のバレンタインシーズンにBlue Note Tokyoにて来日公演を行ったRnB界のスター
This Week on R2 RADIO we have 4 time grammy nominated Singer-Songwriter, Eric Benet on the show!
While Eric was in Japan on tour we Sat down with him at Blue Note Tokyo to talk about his start,
The ups and downs of the music industry and many more!
This was a fun and insightful interview so be sure to tune in this week on The Pharcyde Tv network!
Air time info below!
日本時間: 3月 8日、15日、22日、29日 (金) お昼12時~ (JST)
USA: Mar. 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th (Thur) 19:00 (PDT)~ Broadcasting source:(@pharcydetv)
http://pharcydetv.com/ or download “
The Pharcyde official App” and watch it on your phones. (Android & IOS)