新年一発目は日本が誇る和太鼓エンターテイメント集団「ドラム・タオ」のキャスト達をインタビュー!!タオのライフスタイルや海外ツアーストーリー、そして実際にタオが舞台で演奏している楽器の紹介まで盛りだくさんでお送りいたします!日本伝統カルチャーを世界へ配信します!! This week on R2 RADIO we bring you episode 6 featuring the world famous Drum entertainment group, Drum Tao! We got a chance to sit down with Tao at Shinjuku Lumine Zero for an exclusive interview about their start, worldwide tour stories and the drum Tao lifestyle. Not only did we get a interview from them but we also got to film their live performances as well! So be sure to tune and watch this exclusive interview with Drum Tao on the pharcyde tv network.
Airtime info below
Japan: Jan. (Fri)12:00(JST)
USA: Jan. (Thur)19:00 (PDT)~ Broadcasting source:(PharcydeTV) http://pharcydetv.com/ or download “The
Pharcyde official App” and watch it on your phones.
(Android & IOS)