[R2RADIO明日放送スタート!予告ビデオUP!] (English below)
R2RADIOがいよいよ明日、金曜日正午0時から放送スタート!エピソード1はR2RADIOのプレビューインタビューを放送します!日本のラジオでしかオンエアされなかったDJのパイオニア「Dj Krush」のフルインタビューをPharcydeTVより全国放送🎶ステイチューン!
日本:Jun. 1 (Fri) 12:00~
米国:May. 31(Thr) 20:00~
PharcydeTV http://pharcydetv.com/
[R2 RADIO Episode 1 trailer!]
R2 RADIO will be broadcasting tomorrow so check out the trailer for our first episode on the new The Pharcyde tv Network! Since tomorrow is FBF (or TBT) we thought we’d start our first episode out by showing you a never before seen throwback interview to get you all a little familiar with what we will be bringing to you with our show. On This preview episode, We took it to Tokyo radio studios to interview the Legendary Japanese Turntablist and Producer, DJ KRUSH. Check out the trailer for episode 1 and watch the full episode tomorrow on the Pharcyde Tv Network! Airtime info below!
Japan: Jun. 1 (Fri) 12: 00(JST) ~
USA: May. 31 (Thur) 20: 00 (PDT)~
日本:Jun. 1 (Fri) 12:00~
米国:May. 31(Thr) 20:00~
PharcydeTV http://pharcydetv.com/
Broadcasting source:(PharcydeTV)
http://pharcydetv.com/ or download “The
Pharcyde official App” and watch it on your phones.
(Android & IOS)